9. Skaftafell and Svartifoss
By this point, we were determined to get to the icebergs far east. We had only4 days together, one of which we spent in Keflavik, so, unfortunately, couldn't do the whole circle, and had to come back the way we came to the east. Driving in Iceland is a total pleasure - neither rain nor hail stops you from being two times faster than what google predicts. While I am driving in LA, I consider myself lucky if I got to the place right at the same time as Google thought I'd get there. In Iceland you can drive as slow as you want and still get to the next sight faster than you think.
We skipped a lot of spots on the way, but stopped to walk around these two waterfalls. The park is huge and has a lot of trails, it was rainy, so we picked a more or less short trail, and walked around.
10. Jokulsarlon and Diamond Beach
If you have never seen icebergs, that's a great place to see them! I just got back from my trip to Greenland and was quite familiar with what big chunks of ice could look like. They are gorgeous! We headed back and stopped near Hof - found a place where at least two more cars were parked for a night, and went to "bed". In the morning, we headed back towards Keflavik - in the middle of the day it started raining as never before - so we had to take a break from driving. We got to our Airbnb by 4 pm and spent a quiet afternoon talking and reading.